Are you part of the #staffyloversclub? 💖 Then you've got to meet these next brand reps!

Every few months or so, OMFD host a search via Instagram for new accounts to represent us in their daily doggy adventures and life style. These reps are often based in NZ or sometimes even overseas - read on to find out more about the dogs, their lives and the humans behind their accounts 👀

1. Tell us about you and your fur family. 

HooMum (Becki) and HooDad (Kye) are originally from the UK and moved to Queenstown 5 years ago. Mum grew up with Spaniels and Dad grew up with Labradors! They wanted a pupper that would be Keen for big adventures, full of personality but also down for long naps and lots of cuddles, and that’s when they started looking into Staffies! 

2. Favourite activity with Kobe? 

Summer is hiking and Camping, we love finding new trails and chilling with Nature. Winter is Taking Kobe for snow zoomies and hibernating under the blankets 

3. Why’d you start an instagram for Kobe and what do you love about it?

We followed some big accounts of Staffies in Europe  so decided to make Kobe a page, also we didn’t want over load our personal accounts with his cuteness! We started getting lots of messages about our photos and adventure videos. We loved inspiring people to go on big adventures and getting outdoors with their doggos. I love how many great people we speak to and have met through the gram, everyone has been very supportive over Kobe’s troubles which keeps us positive! 

4. How’d you find out about OMFD

I heard a couple of legends with some fluff balls lived near us, and were making cool clothes that we could deliberately get dirty on our adventures! What more could you want?! We love being part of the OMFD family ❤️


You can use their code 'KOBE10' anytime during their rep term to receive an instant 10% OFF your order 🔥


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